Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Americans Suffer From Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Thousands and thousands of Americans suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. It affects young, old and middle aged. Men and women are both affected by this ailment. Many thousands of man hours are lost in the working world due to absence or when a person comes in to work, from being less productive simply because they don’t feel well. Irritable bowel syndrome is blight upon American culture and on the American economy, and it is treatable and doesn’t have to be that way.

The causes of irritable bowel syndrome are many, but the most common, according to many experts, is a build up of fecal matter and the resulting gas and bacteria that comes from it in the colon. The bacteria grows rapidly and spreads toxins throughout the body. The body reacts in a multitude of ways. This can be manifested in constipation, diarrhea, headache, water retention, or abdominal pain and cramping. No one likes having irritable bowel syndrome. It is painful, uncomfortable and inconvenient.

Controlling or getting rid of irritable bowel syndrome can be done in many cases through cleansing of the colon. A clean colon is a healthy colon, goes the old saying. Many people cleanse their colons through changing their eating habits. They turn to healthier foods such as big green leafy vegetables, fruits, salads, and whole grains for breads and pastas. They eat fewer fatty foods and less processed sugar. They don’t go to fast food restaurants as often. And many of these people have also discovered the benefits of the natural supplement known as Bowtrol Colon Cleanser. Those who use Bowtrol Colon Cleanser have been known to recommend it to friends, relatives and acquaintances who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome as well, because it has worked so well for them. By using Bowtrol Colon Cleanser these people are enhancing the body’s changes of cleansing the colon and discharging the fecal matter and bacteria that causes the problem. If you had basic science in junior high school, the concept should make sense. Getting rid of the bacteria gets rid of the toxins. Having two or three good bowel movements a day should get rid of the fecal matter, which should get rid of the bacteria and gas, and should result in a cleansed colon, fewer toxins and better health. In this way a combination of healthy eating and use of the supplement Bowtrol Colon Cleanser can lead to feeling better and improved health.

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Are You a Candidate For Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Are you a candidate for irritable bowel syndrome? Do you have abdominal pain or cramping? Do you have constipation? Diarrhea? How about vomiting, or fever or headache? How about bloating and water retention? Irritable bowel syndrome is not pleasant for anyone who has it, and many many Americans do suffer from it, in fact more every year. Many of these turn to Bowtrol Colon Cleanser for relief.

Why do they turn to Bowtrol Colon Cleanser? The answer to that is easy. Bowtrol Colon Cleanser is all natural and has many successful users. Their track record is outstanding. Bowtrol Colon Cleanser in league with a healthy lifestyle that should include moderate exercise and sensible eating habits can help keep the colon cleansed. Two to three good, regular and healthy bowel movements a day are essential to good colon health. Bowtrol Colon Cleanser helps with this. So does good eating. Most Americans eat way too much fast food. Too much sugar, too much fat. Not enough vegetables and fruit. Not enough healthy grains or legumes. Legumes are beans of all types – green beans, black beans, lima beans, butter beans, brown beans, navy beans, pinto beans, and on and on. Also peanuts are legumes. These are great sources of fiber for better colon cleanliness and better colon health. A one-two punch of better eating habits and Bowtrol Colon Cleanser can make a world of difference in most people. Good colon health and cleanliness can be the difference between a pain free day and a day full of abdominal cramping. It can also be the difference between feeling good and feeling constipated, or bloated or headachy. And remember that good colon health means no diarrhea, an experience few people enjoy.

The reason for good colon health and cleanliness leading to health elsewhere in the body is simple really. The colon is a very large and very complex organ. It contains more nerves than any other organ, except of course for the brain and the spinal column, known as the central nervous system. All other organs in the body are connected to the colon, and all organs in the body work together. If the colon has problems, these problems spread to other organs and you will feel symptoms of spastic colon, irritable bowel syndrome or another ailment. It only makes good health sense to do what you can to keep your colon cleansed and healthy to keep the rest of your body functioning properly. Bowtrol Colon Cleanser is a great place to start.

Constipation: An Overview of its Causes and Symptoms

Constipation: An Overview of its Causes and SymptomsConstipation is a normal occurrence that has been estimated to occur to every individual in his or her lifetime. It’s been ascertained that as we get older, we have a higher tendency to become more constipated. People above the age forty are particularly susceptible to this because they are at the peak of their lives at that period. Men in this age bracket are often achieving lots of things at this time and hence, there is usually less time for them to eat well, and exercise as they have a bust schedule. Therefore, constipation in this period can be said to be caused by eating disorders or bad eating habits.When we eventually get constipation, how do we treat or get relief from it? Most people are all for the laxative and enema treatments. But feelers that we are getting from health boards all over the world are advocating that as much as possible that we avoid laxatives. Many people who have become very familiar with laxatives can even swear to its ability to make an individual dependent on it for bowel movement. The very last thing we want is to be subject to a mere chemical.However, to stem the continuous occurrence of constipation in the daily life of an individual, the best thing really is to change the eating habits. This can safely be said to drastically reduce the incidence of constipation as most of the constipation people get is from eating low fiber foods and excess fatty foods. Foods that are rich in fiber such as wheat, bran, psyllium husks work wonders in the relieving and consequent elimination of constipation and its frequent occurrence.The absence of high quantity of fluids –particularly water- is also an important contributor. Because we are always in a rush to achieve things, we then to for get to take at least eight glasses of water everyday. Hence, the stool ends up not having enough moisture to ease the passage of feces through the colon and rectum.Another contributing factor is the bad habit of holding back when we feel the need to “go”. Many people think because they are busy, it can always come later. Of course, it does come later but during that same period, some of the toxic waste from the stool might have been reabsorbed into the bloodstream. Not to mention the moisture that is also reabsorbed leaving the feces hard and dry. The victims may end up passing this feces, but there is always a tendency that some of the feces will remain in the colon. Hence, there won’t be a total elimination of the waste products. If colon cleansing is not done in due time, then there will be the incidence of toxic poisoning caused by the reabsorption of waste into the bloodstream, contaminating the blood, reducing the immunity of the individual and spreading disease in the body.

Homemade Colon Cleanse

Homemade Colon Cleanse: How Homemade colon Cleansing Can Help You keep in Top Shape –Part 1Cleansing the colon is a decision we all will make sometime in our lives. It may be intentional, willingly, or unwillingly. When willingly, it is good. But unwillingly, then it means you were forced to do it as a result of certain health conditions. Either way, you get the colon cleansed. Now there are various methods through which you can get the colon cleaned out. But we are going to be examining homemade colon cleansing methods.1. EnemasEnemas are a highly popular though inefficient homemade colon cleanse agent that has been in existence since at least five centuries ago. In the ancient times, people found that to incite bowel movements, you could easily pour water through the anus into the colon. Hence, they started applying that to themselves when they had digestion problems and found it hard to pass their wastes. Enemas are not hard to get or create. They are made from a combination of water and oils which are squirted through the anus into the colon until the colon is full and then initiates the bowel movement required. The thing with this method is that it is invasive, embarrassing and unenjoyable. Moreover, it is not something you can do while on the move. You must be close to a toilet otherwise, you will suffer the embarrassment of doing it on yourself. How’s that for thought!People who use the homemade colon cleanse enema tend to apply more water quantity than the commercially available ones; for instance, a homemade colon cleanse enema contains ¾ of water, peppermint, frankincense or fennel. Sometimes they combine one or more of these together or even all at the same time. It is important to note the role these oils play in getting an individual to have bowel movements. They act as stimulators of the colon muscles which in turn contract to expel the stool in the colon. Please note that in case you settle for this option,. You need to add nothing more than 1-3 drops of the oils to the water you’ll be using as enema. While you may be satisfied with this, it is better that you know that applying it is pretty difficult. It entails having to lie down comfortably, being close to the toilet, the temperature of the water being between ninety eight and one hundred and three (98-103) degrees Fahrenheit, bag containing the enema hanging at least 2 ft above the body et.c it is a whole complex stuff and besides, it doesn’t do a thorough job of properly eliminating impacted fecal matter clinging to your colon walls so if you are looking for the best homemade colon cleanse solution, you might want to check some other option.

How to Protect Yourself from and Get Rid Of Pregnancy Constipation

How to Protect Yourself from and Get Rid Of Pregnancy ConstipationPregnancy is that stage in woman's life when she carries a baby in her. It is usually accompanied by various bodily and hormonal changes. The more popular ones are morning sickness -where the woman has the urge to throw up first thing in the morning- nausea, headaches, hot flushes, increased desire to eat. The not so popular ones are those like constipation. Like it or not, this happens to many women as a result of either their eating habits -some eat lots of junk foods during pregnancy- or just irregular bowel movements. This usually continues during the very early stages until after delivery.The reasons behind the occurrence of constipation during the pregnancy phase and even after the delivery are varied. In post delivery cases, certain women end up tearing their rectal tissue during the process of birthing. This is usually repaired after she gives birth. However, the pain that accompanies this when she wants to pass stool can be intense. This could lead to an agonizingly, painful constipation for her. In some cases, because of the pain accompanying it, the women hold it in for a long period which actually ends up worsening the situation as it just leads to a build up of toxic waste in the colon.Some other women who may have been delivered using the caesarian section may find that their bowel movements are just deferred for a short period of time after delivery. Some other common factors are medicinal side effects, increased level of stress, changed diet, a lack of sufficient sleep, low fluid intake, consumption of caffeinated fluids and drinks.To treat and possibly cure pregnancy constipation, there are varied solutions to take on. Chief among them is consuming and eating foods that are only rich in fiber, lots of fruit, exercise -avoid the stressful ones- such as a walk around the block is a great one as it reduces the incidence of bloating. Also, take in lots of fluid. As much as possible, avoid caffeinated drinks as they only cause dehydration. Also take calcium or vitamin supplements specifically designed for pregnant women. Another option is using stool softeners. Only use this in the short term as it has side effects when used for long period of time. You might also want to try using Bowtrol. It’s a highly effective herbal colon cleanser that not only does a good job of cleansing you, but also, repairing and healing worn colon tissues.

How to Relieve and Treat Constipation with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Sam was fifteen years when he had to be admitted into the hospital for what seemed like symptoms of appendicitis. After some careful tests, he was diagnosed to have Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This is the same with quite a few people who are sufferers of IBS. Unfortunately, some individuals are not as lucky as they have a combination of constipation with irritable bowel syndrome. As the saying goes, you’ve got two devils to deal with. The question is “which comes first?”.

People –there are many- who suffer from constipation with irritable bowel syndrome find it very discomforting. One of them alone is bad enough; not to mention when you’ve got the two of them together. Sometimes, this condition is referred to as IBS-C. It is one of the three constipation types available.

However, a specific, fail-proof treatment for constipation with irritable bowel syndrome has not been found even as we speak. There could be varied combinations but more often than not, they seem to contradict each other. For instance, the bran that would normally work well for constipation is very antagonistic to irritable bowel symptom as it actually irritates the stomach walls.

While it can be said that there are varied treatments for constipation with irritable bowel syndrome, research is still being conducted into what drug would be able to specifically and wholly treat every case of constipation with irritable bowel syndrome. In the meantime, each sufferer might just have to learn what treatment combinations would be right for him. The basic forms of treatment for constipation might not be able to relieve that of IBS. For instance, gluten which is a very effective compound useful in the treatment of constipation alone would not do well for patients suffering from constipation with irritable bowel syndrome. That’s why you would have to find what works for you. You could try eating gluten-free diets and see if it produces any form of relief.

In the meantime, there is an effective solution that is recommended for constipation with irritable bowel syndrome. It is called Bowtrol. It is a complete colon cleanser. It also relieves all symptoms of constipation such as abdominal pains and cramps, constipation and bloating. Thankfully, it is not designed to be taken for life. All it takes is just one month of use depending on your prescription. Anyways, you could try it out if you’ve been suffering from constipation with irritable bowel syndrome and see how it goes. It’s been proven time and again that it works and can eliminate constipation with irritable bowel syndrome.

Tips and Information on Foods That Relieve Constipation

Tips and Information on Foods That Relieve ConstipationConstipation is a common disorder of the stomach and is very common in today’s world. The rate at which this disorder is spreading and common became so noticeable that even the Merck Manual even noted that we are a generation of degenerated colon carriers. In short, we have colons that are not functioning like they should because we are not eating well and neither are we drinking water like we should. If you are intending to start reducing the occurrence of constipation, then you need to know the foods that relieve constipation effectively.The starting point to relieving your self of constipation is a major change in diet. You’d have to either let those low nutrition foods such as candies, dairy products, cheese, burgers et.c. The major cause of constipation is unhealthy eating habits. We live in an age where we think the quicker you gulp down your food, the better in terms of saving time. This eventually catches up with us by the time we break down with constipation related diseases or just mere constipation. Foods like bran, psyllium husks, wheat, fruits that are rich in high quality fiber, vegetables, and whole grains; in short every high fiber foods are part of the foods that relieve constipation.Fiber rich foods like psyllium husks are said to be bulk forming agents. These aid the faster forming of fecal bulks which is an important part of the elimination process that has to occur in constipation before feces can be gotten rid of. Fiber foods are also important in helping to reduce the cholesterol levels in the body. They are not easily digestible by the intestinal tract hence putting them in the position of bulk forming enhancers and enable the feces to pass easily.Examples of fiber rich foods are blackberries, green beans, broccoli, raspberries, strawberries, apples including the skin, turnip greens, rye, stone ground whole wheat, walnuts and peanuts. It is important that you make as much possible these fibers part of your food. Be extremely careful about the kinds of food you eat. Ensure that you start noticing the nutritional information available on the sides of packaged and processed foods so as to ascertain the amounts of fiber you are taking in. Please be sure that your intake of fiber on a daily basis is nothing short of 25 grams for adults.